Question and Answer Session held at Atfal Rally UK 1996 (Part 2)
Part 2 of Question and Answer session with Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) Khalifatul Masih IV (Fourth Successor to the Promised Messiah (as)) held at Atfal Rally in UK on 13th April 1996.
@ 0:30 Why are we not allowed to eat snakes?
@ 3:39 What does Quran say will happen to the planet earth at the end of the world?
@ 9:43 Do you believe in UFOs and if you do why are they doing here?
@ 17:24 What is the significance of Fasting and Hajj?
@ 23:15 How does God look like, can you see him in your dreams?
@ 27:06 What was before the earth?
@ 30:18 Why does Saturn has a ring around it?
@ 33:14 These days non-Ahmadis do not care about religion, how can we attract them towards Ahmadiyyat?
@ 37:51 Why does the world go round?
@ 43:46 What does it mean to by Chief of the Prophets?
@ 45:16 Allah made everything, why did he make Satan?
@ 51:30 An Advice.