Question and Answer Session held on 25th March 1996 (Part 1)
Part 1 of Question and Answer session with Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (rh) Khalifatul Masih IV (Fourth Successor to the Promised Messiah (as)) held on 25th March 1996.
@ 00:39 The society seems to be so corrupt how can we as individuals get our message across more effectively?
@ 11:15 We see so much suffering and poverty, how can we justify that is God’s Will?
@ 14:45 What is Islamic view on death penality (capital punishment)?
@ 18:23 What are your views on governments around the world that treat money more than people?
@ 24:02 We heard in the introduction that some of the prophecies of Jesus Christ were fulfilled in the second coming of the Messiah, Could you tell us about those prophecies?
@ 44:19 It was on news last week that scientists agree that alcoholic drinks are beneficial in some degree. In view of that can you still stick with strict Muslim ban on alcohol?