Liqa Ma’al Arab 18th July 1995 Question/Answer English/Arabic
A regular sitting of Arabic speaking friends with Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IV(rh). Session no. 64, recorded on 18th July 1995 in English and Arabic.
@ 00:00:01 Introduction in Arabic
@ 00:00:43 Question: What is the Promissed Messiah’s point of view on Hadith-e-Qudsi?
@ 00:00:56 Answer in English
@ 00:03:20 Arabic Translation
@ 00:05:10 Answer continues in English
@ 00:10:39 Arabic translation
@ 00:14:04 Question: Who is Satan (Shaitan/Iblees), What are his aims & objectives?
@ 00:14:37 Question in Arabic
@ 00:14:56 Answer in English
@ 00:28:17 Arabic Translation
@ 00:34:20 Answer continues in English
@ 00:36:40 Arabic Translation
@ 00:39:19 Question: Does Satan(Shaitan/Iblees) live until now?
@ 00:39:26 Answer in English
@ 00:40:24 Arabic Translation
@ 00:41:19 Question: Where he/they lives?
@ 00:41:26 Answer in English
@ 00:47:33 Arabic Translation
@ 00:51:26 Question: Did Allah spoke to Iblees directly or through revolution, What way?
@ 00:51:38 Answer in English
@ 00:55:39 Arabic Translation
@ 00:57:39 Answer Continues in English
@ 00:58:41 Arabic Translation